Need help getting ready for a bodybuilding, figure, fitness, women’s physique, bikini, physique or classic physique show?
If you are a first time competitor and want to learn what this sport is all about:
What to expect as you go thru stages of prep, what your fiends and family will think, peak week and day of strategies, how to handle all the crazy advice you will get, and how to deal with the daily ups and downs of prep, and manage your successes and failures DAILY.
If you are a seasoned competitor and want to take it to the next level:
Need to know what supplements to take when? Protein synthesis, insulin sensitivity, advice on natural supplements and pro hormones , peptides, and anabolics.
How about some training tips and tricks for lagging body parts?
Packages and Services can include:
- Nutrition plans, standard and KETO. Updates on a regular basis as we monitor your progress and make changes to continue to see improvements in your physique.
- Daily, weekly, monthly calls, texts, and meetings to keep you motivated and on track.
- Workout plans
- Working out WITH you to make sure you fully understand the Intensity and form needed to achieve the results you want.
- Meal Plan help. What to buy, tips on cooking, recipes, kitchen tips and tricks.
- Posing
- Supplements
- Peak Week tricks.
- Motivation during the mentally tough training times.
- Backstage coaching on Day of Show